Wednesday, August 12, 2015

At Least I Tried.

Not many people know this but when I got really sick back in February, I had to quit my job because I simply could not get out of bed.  I was sick, tired, and in pain on a daily basis.  After I got diagnosed and started medications to treat the POTS symptoms, I decided 3 weeks ago to try to go back to work doing home care with the elderly a couple times a week.  The last 2 weeks I have been working again. It was amazing to get my life back and be independent and have something to do everyday. I love my job! 

However, I am not sure if I jumped into it too soon or what happened but since Monday afternoon I have been very sick.  My stomach pain is unbearable, I am exhausted, and dizzy.  I can't drive anywhere because how dizzy and lightheaded I feel. It is miserable to have to let down my boss and myself when I tell him I can not see our patient.  I am not sure if I will be able to continue to work, which is very upsetting.  

Since I am not feeling to well and have time on my hands. I want to know any questions you all have about POTS or anything regarding the illness. I still have questions myself so I will do my best to answer them.  Just place a comment in the comment section below.  

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Strong. Healing. Loved.

I have been in a "POTS" crash for the last 4 days. What that means is my symptoms start to flare up, I have been having my excruciating stomach pain and have been sleeping around 10-12 hours each night and still waking up tired. (NO I am not sleeping too much). My body is run down and needs the sleep and relaxation.  When I sleep that much it is so hard to study for finals which I have also been dealing with. Tomorrow is my last day of the summer semester, YAY!

I went to see Dr. Coleby on Tuesday. He's the POTS doctor I have been seeing.  I finally have my heart medications under control so that is good news! No more heart working too hard. However, the medication he put me on for my brain fog stopped working, so we upped the dose of it to see if it will start to help my body again. I hope it does because it was really helping me be able to focus and do homework, and it also helped with the dizziness when standing up.  I also am trying a sleeping medication so hopefully I can finally get a normal night's rest. That would be amazing.  Even though I sleep 8-12 hours each night, I was up around 5-8 times and have restless sleep at least 25 times each night.  (My FitBit gives me this information). It is miserable, if I were able to sleep through the night I most likely wouldn't sleep 8-12 hours.

Today I received a very special package in the mail from my Best Friend, it is a bracelet with a hummingbird on it.

The meaning of this bracelet goes:

With wings that flutter in the pattern of an infinity symbol, hummingbirds are associated with continuity, healing, and persistence. Delicate yet strong, the hummingbird actively seeks out the sweetest nectar representing our desire for the joyous gifts in life.  We wear the hummingbird charm to be tenacious in the pursuit of dreams while keeping an open mind to spiritual awakenings. 

Here's to my best friend that is ALWAYS there for me.
"True friendship isn't about being inseparable, it's being separated and nothing changes."