The day before the iron infusion I got a lovely cold that threw me for a loop. Luckily it only lasted for a week but the week I did have it I had 3 MIDTERMS! Yikes. Just my luck, I needed to study and take my tests not be sick and have a head cold. Even though I felt like crap, I still managed to do well on all 3 exams. Good thing I did well because I am applying to nursing school in January. That's another thing, I have been working on my application for nursing school. There is only 3 weeks left of the semester and I am looking at finishing strong.
ings when I really am not. This requires me to take Benedryl which causes my to go to sleep... it is a vicious cycle. For this, Dr. Coleby put me on two different medications that are antihistamines that will suppress these cells to not make them go crazy. This changed just happened on Thursday, but for once I was able to wear compression stockings without breaking out in hives and a rash! Woo!! Also, Dr. Coleby changed my medications around and it has been working. I am finally starting to feel better, I have a bad day here and there, but never weeks on end anymore.
Tomorrow, Wednesday, I am off to Winnemucca to join my family for Thanksgiving and enjoy a weekend away from the city (Don't worry I still have homework to do)!
This year for Thanksgiving, I am thankful for my family and friends that have stuck by me through ever step of this journey and never once gave up on me.
I am thankful for my mom and dad for believing in me and giving me positive encouragement on a daily basis.
I am thankful for my boyfriend and best friend for always being by my side and talking with me while I am wide awake during the night.
Lastly, I am thankful for Dr. Coleby he has given me my life back and has forced my to exercise and only get 8 hours of sleep each night, he hasn't given up on all my complaints and side effects of medications. He always has a different way to approach a certain situation.
Once again, I am thankful for all of you that support me each and everyday.
Happy Thanksgiving!